Scenario | Our solution |
I want to support the mental health and wellbeing of our staff but don’t know where to begin | When you get in touch with us, we can support you through an initial conversation to understand the needs of your staff and your current wellbeing practices. From there, we will make recommendations and guide you to introduce these throughout your journey |
I have a wellbeing strategy in place but I’m not sure it meets the needs of our staff | Whether you have a wellbeing strategy or not, we can help you to understand areas of strength and areas for improvement. We can then work with you to introduce your bespoke strategy |
How can I find out what is working for staff? | We can provide guidance to help you to facilitate a staff wellbeing survey, and make recommendations based on your results |
I already have a mental health process in place, but want to ensure this supports the needs of staff | We can review your organisational processes to ensure they take account of the way in which mental health interacts with people management policies and align with best practice. For example, we have supported clients to develop their suicide prevention and debriefing processes |
How can I support staff who are experiencing poor mental health? | We can work with you to strengthen your approach to supporting staff who are experiencing poor mental health either through in-work support or supporting them while taking time off and then returning to work |
How much does it cost? | Costs vary depending on your organisational needs, development time of bespoke elements and duration of support required. A member of our team will be able to provide further information based on your needs. |